YFU Global annual report 2023
June 06, 2024 08:38
Lees hier her jaarlijks rapport van YFU Global.
Page 2 - Greetings fro mthe Secretary General and Chair
Newly elected chair of YFU's international board reflects on the past year and shares her vision of the future.
Page 6 - 2023 in numbers
Key figures of 2023: 2460 young people participated in YFU's exchange programs in 2023
Page 08 - Overview of the global YFU network
The global network of YFU has expanded and strengthened during the year. Challenges are tabled by passionate people whose hearts and minds are open for change. Let us take you trhough some of the highlights of the year - and the key events gathering staff and volunteers from all around the globe!
Page 18 - YES 2023
YFU's biggest annual event, the Youth Empowerment Seminar, gathered over 440 YFUers from around the world for an educational experience at Werbellinsee, Germany. This time the theme being mental resilience, the participants competed in a hackathon, inovating dolutions for boosting young people's mental wellbeing.
Page 21 - Advocacy: promoting intercltural exchange
A success story from Germany.
Page 25 - Reflecting on 2023: insights from the global community
2023 was an amazing year within the YFU community. The best way to convey our message is through the words of our volunteers, who make the difference in our community every day. Let's hear from the Steeles family, Carolina (whose YFU journey started back in 1989) and Tomás, an active glbal YFU volunteer since 2020.
Page 30 - YFU global leadership
Page 31 - Thank you!